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Welcome to the Free Link Directory. This link directory has been built as part of an ever-expanding network of free online marketing and promotion sites, as this site is launched we have in our network, several link directories, (Manual approved, no mass spamming), our own web ranking network, several auto surf sites, several hosting sites, and a search engine. By the end of the year, we aim to have a massive Free advertising network covering the globe from corner to corner for free! If there is a webmaster tool out there that you think should be free rest assured we will be working to make it available for you for free. Our aim is to make it possible for webmasters no matter how little money they have at their disposal to get a site registered hosted, and promoted, why should you have to sit on the back burner just because you don't have the money they do.

If you dont have a website yet try y2z.eu For a free domain name and hosting mysql hosting.

Please be aware placing a link on one of our directories or ad sites will not get you in them all, they must be applied separately, this allows them to be independently maintained and improves the SEO effect each has.